The President of the Republic of Somaliland Arrived at Djibouti, attending internationalized dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia
High-level government officials led by the President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E Muse Bihi Abdi arrived in Djibouti this morning, the president and his delegation will attend an internationalized dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia.The president of the Republic of Somaliland H.E Muse Bihi AbdiAnd his delegation is committed to, affirming the sovereignty, territorial integrity, jurisdiction and supremacy of the Republic of Somaliland.
In the 2012 London Conference, the international community proposed a plan for Somaliland and Somalia to hold talks in order to clarify their future relations and thus promised to provide platform. Since then, the Government of the Republic of Somaliland and the Federal Government of Somalia held six round talks in London, Dubai, Ankara, Istanbul (twice) and Djibouti.