
The Establishment of the Maritime Security Coordination Office (MSC Office) of the republic of Somaliland happened with presidential decree on April 14th, 2023. It has been replaced the former Agency of Somaliland Counter Piracy Coordination Office (CPC Office) that has been  renamed the Maritime Security Coordination Office of the Republic of Somaliland and their main task would be responsible to communicate Maritime Security Activities of the Republic of Somaliland. The office is a semi-autonomous led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Maritime Security Coordination Office of the Republic Somaliland include:

  • Preparation and implementation of program plans and important measures related to security, management, economy, environment, and marine resources, in collaboration with other relevant agencies.
  • The preparation of comprehensive policies and laws to govern, and improve safety, security and maritime affairs in general.
  • Coordination maritime security cooperation and collaboration relevant institutions at the national, regional, and international levels.
  • Maritime crime prevention liaison such as, arms smuggling, illegal fishing, terrorism, human trafficking and drugs, piracy, pollution of sea water etc.
  • Advising on the preparation of a plan to secure all ports Somaliland using the International Protection Act Ships and Ports (ISPS).
  • Creating a maritime defense plan with clear roles and responsibilities of various national agencies in charge of maritime affairs.
  • Maritime emergency response coordination and rescuing people and animals in distress.
  • To lead and advise the government on relations and international cooperation in matters of rules and international agreements (International Conventions).
  • Cooperation, safety and development in general at Somaliland Sea with the help of the relevant national institutions.
  • Development and improvement (Capacity Building) of maritime professionals to promote marine science.
  • Leading research and data collection related to our seas, to promote the use of marine resources.
  • Strategic recommendations for the development of Maritime Security and Resources (Maritime Security & Resource Strategy).

At international level, the MSC Office represents Somaliland within the regional organizations and maritime security programmes. The MSC Office is a member of Maritime Security Coordination Committee (MSCC), has Observer Status on Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoC) and Jeddah Amendment. Somaliland is partner of the international maritime crime prevention efforts of Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden architecture. The Somaliland MSC Office is an active member of the new Contact Group on Illicit Maritime Activities in the Western Indian Ocean (CGIMA) and regularly participates in the conferences and workshops of the main CGIMA Working Groups. The MSC Office acts as a vocal voice for Somaliland in these international platforms. Somaliland MSC Office represents Somaliland in all International Forums, Conferences, and Meetings.

Mohamed Osman
Executive Director
Somaliland Maritime Security Coordination Office
Ministry of Foriegn Affairs and International Cooperation 

The Republic of Somaliland
Email: SLMSCO[email protected]
Phone: +252-65-9815593